Friday, March 13, 2009

Adenium babies 10Mar2009

It is time to re-pot my 12 Adenium babies from the paper pots into their own pots. with help from a forum friend, I managed to get some square pots at very cheap price. It was mentioned that square pots are good for the Adenium.

I took a photo for each and these 2 are samples:

all 12 of them

into the famous square pots

some of them have a 3rd set of leaves. I pluck away the 2nd set of leaves as they say engergy will not be wasted in supporting the leaves. but I will not pluck anymore ... skinny also very cute

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Moonvines update 7Mar2009

an update to my moonvines. They have grown strong and I have re-potted them, place them near the grilles so that they can slowly climb up the grilles. They managed to survive the few thunderstorms recently.

this is taken on 6 March.

within 1 day, see how fast 1 of them has climbed up the pole.

hope I will be able to show some flowers in the next update.

Baking Muffins 7Mar2009

there is an oven which comes with my new place, so decided to try baking. I tried to bake some muffins on 11 Feb but they were not v nice ... taste like cupcakes

a friend Marlyne gave me some tips on making muffins (and gave me some that she made ... yummy) so I decided to try again.

although the M&M's still have color-runs, but at least this time, the muffins do taste more like muffins ... so happy

Friday, March 6, 2009

closer look at the plants

murraya ... very nice smell esp at night.


plumeria (aka frangipani)

Shui Mei with star flower ... but no smell

Begonia and Episcia 6Mar2009

these leaves are begonia or episcia I do not know their exact names but does not matter. They were given to me by a friend, some came with roots, some I managed to get them rooted after 3 weeks

Balcony - finally completed! 6Mar2009

we bought some plants from a nursery and today they delivered to us. They also help to plant them into the planter boxes

this is the sunny corner which has afternoon sun. So I thought of putting some bamboo to block off some of the sun. A friend says the sun will be good for a fruit tree, so I decided to get a chiku (left). It already has 11 fruits but all too small to be eaten yet.

this is the corner where there is morning sun but sheltered from strong wind and rain. So it is suitable for my adeniums and smaller seedlings. I bought a 5th adenium (right most) which is a double petal one. 2 of the adeniums have been attacked by mealy bugs ... sigh, hv to keep killing them.

this corner also enjoys late morning sun and sheltered from strong wind.

this corner has good morning sun, but also has to bear strong wind and rain. So can only put plants which are stronger.

The setup is as at 6 March morning as I have re-arranged and re-potted some plants in the evening.

Balcony - decking

after a month and toying with different ideas, we finally decided to deck the planter boxes and cover them up

first they do up the support

and then cover up with the wood


Sunday, March 1, 2009

SGB 01Mar2009

Spore Botanic Garden holds a orchid sale every 1st Sunday of the month, so we went to take a look today. Some of the orchids are quite special. I like this one ... it has a 'smiling face', 2 'eyes' and 'eyebrows' and a 'hat'. so cute

if you are interested to view all the photos, click on this link