Friday, January 15, 2010

Rose - New Blooms! 15Jan2010

many friends have asked me how I manage to grow roses in our weather. it is definitely not an easy task. our hot weather will cause pest issue and the blooms are small as they do not enough coldness to recover.

this is quite unique as the blooms are light green

white rose is one of the easiest and they are so pure and sweet. look at the buds ... expecting more blooms next week

yellow rose is one of the more difficult types and I m glad this guy is giving out new blooms, after a tough fight with red spider mites. those leaves that are reddish are new growth.

dark red ones gives a totally different kind of feel, so elegant

like them?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Air Plants Dec 2009

on the last day of 2009, I got my first Tillandsia aka airplants ... they dont need soil/media, no need to water daily, no need to hv pest control ....

these are the 5 to start my small collection

capitata peach (top), velutina (bottom)
caput medusae (top 2), ionantha rubra (bottom)
now is to decide where to hang them ... and hope they grow big big and bloom soon ...

Melaka Dec2009

It has been a long time since the gang goes on a trip, so on xmas day, we woke up early and depart at 5pm to Melaka. 3 cars departed separately, using different customs but we managed to arrive at the Machap restpoint at the same time!

After bread and coffee/tea, we arrived in Melaka, just in time for morning break. What's a trip without trying the famous chicken riceballs. But most of us are not impressed with the chicken nor the riceballs, except little XinYue since she ate the most.
Look at the queue under the hot sun. We definitely will not queue for it. Not worth the effort.
need to digest some food, so we climb the hill and get some nice scenary
It's LUNCH time! we try this pernarakan restaurant and some of the dishes were good. like the otak (but Scatterseed's homemade ones are much nicer)
and the chicken ...
and the chap-cai ....
dinner was not fantastic but what is Melaka without going to Jonker Street. Look at the crowd!
and the famous Chendol ... with lots of thick thick gula melaka ... yummy ...
before we left Melaka the next day, we had to have Bak Ku Teh for breakfast ... we love the non-peppery type with lots of ingredients in it ... mushrooms, meat, vege, etc etc ... really good ...It was a good trip. and we promised each other that we should do this more often.

Rose updates Jan2010

my roses blooming for the new year! these are all re-blooms, not new plants hor ...

I love this ... so sweet and so english-like

some of us were crazy over a green rose. the re-blooms are not exactly green but they are so pretty