Tuesday, February 24, 2009

growing moonvine Feb09

Moonvine or sometimes call Moonflower is a kind of climber, like morning glory. It is called 'moon' because the flowers will bloom in the evening and not during the day.

I got some seeds from Wisteria (know her thr GCS forum). seeds are relatively big. I soak them overnight before sowing them into soil (13Feb09)

1 of them grew quite fast. within 4 days (17Feb09), it is 1cm tall. the other 2 have no sign of sprouting.
after a week (22Feb), the other 2 also sprout and catch up in height ... now I cant differentiate which is the first which sprout.

1 comment:

Chawanmushi said...

Wah ...you lucky gal ...all of yours sprouted! I got four from Wisteria too and so far only the two smaller ones sprouted ...the other two bigger seeds are turning to become the color of the soil LOL