Friday, August 21, 2009

African Violet collection - new ones

I had this AV since april and it has been the best performer. the blooms are continuous and extremely pretty.

as most of my AVs are in their greens only, decided to get a new pot so as to get some flowers. this is a common pinkish purple one.
this is the first time I seen a pin-wheel colored one! it is known as "chimera" and they say if too hot, the blooms might revert back to the normal purple. so I kept it in office to enjoy aircon.


Open Kitchen Concept said...

Super super envious.. beautiful flowers.. My AV is becoming like a pot of cabbage.. haha.. all leaves.. but then I can't eat them so I don't put so much "heart" oon them... :( My bad!

ahkee72 said...

thanks. I also hv many pots that are "cabbage", only 3 pots with flowers ... hahahaaaa